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Die Musik
Die Urheber
Carlos Gardel
Der Tanz
Die Geschichte
Die Gemeinschaft
Origins and identity
“Gardel’s case”, short musings on its reading
About the origin of Carlos Gardel
Cédula de 1920: confiesan falsedad del "documento encontrado"
Letter to the Director of the Museum-Prison of Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego
"El Padre de Gardel" (Gardel’s father)
The true face of Paul Lasserre
Gardel - Final Point
Gardel in Justice
Gardel and the Uruguayan Parliament
Gardel, the twenty-three pillars of his identity
Gardel´s Identikit. Berta and Carlos Gardés, the same face
The documented historical truth, 70 years after
A controversy that is coming to an end
Family and friends
"Lunático", Gardel’s horse
How the love life of Carlos Gardel was
Horses, tangos, travels
Carlos Gardel and Freemasonry
Chaplin and Gardel
Doña Berta Gardés, Carlos Gardel’s mother
Edmundo Guibourg and his memories with Gardel
Gardel’s last tuxedo
The probate hearings in Uruguay
Gardel's will
Interesting letter from Razzano to Gardel
Carlos Gardel’s liking for soccer
The friedship between Gardel and Piazzolla
The detention of young Gardés
The boy Gardés at school
Gardel’s girl friend
The true Sadie Baron Wakefield
Gardel’s familiar encounters
Medellín, that afternoon in June
Artistic career and testimonials
"De Gabino a Gardel", a criticized play
Betinotti and the New York blondes. Fox-trot in Carlos Gardel's repertoire
Colombian songs in El Zorzal's repertoire
Carlos Gardel, his encounter with tango
Gardel’s records
The last tango that Gardel sang
The debut in Montevideo
Gardel on radio
Gardel and the opera
Gardel, tango dancer
Gardel, the greatest flamenco tango man
La Loba: The movie that Gardel never shot
Silva’s photographs
Gardel and the guitarists
Gardel's movies, their scripts and their songs
The early electrical recordings by El Zorzal
Gardel fifteen short films
Mona Maris remembers Carlos Gardel
Rosita Moreno, Gardel’s movie partner
Summary of his life and career
An old tuxedo and Gardel
About his life, opinion articles
We have to listen to Gardel on the Victrola
Archive Carlos Gardel, Alfredo Echaniz tells us its story
The Gardelian discourse
Gardel’s invention
The monument. The little hand that Gardel gave after his death
In the memory of a friend
Strange coincidence
Francisco and Carlos
Gardel in postmarks
Gardel, hard times and its memory
Gardel, his own manager
Todo Tango’s homage to Carlos Gardel, June 30, 2005
Juan Carlos Esteban, life as a privilege
Carlos Gardel´s undefeated voice
What would have come true (had not Gardel died)?
My friend José Razzano, Carlos Gardel’s soulmate
Carlos Gardel’s Originalities
To be Gardel is to be the best
On June 24 he closed his eyes forever
A stamp for Gardel
Carlos Gardel's movies
Al troesma desde la mitad del mundo
01. To the Troesma from the middle of the world
02. Prologue
03. Gardel and nostalgia
04. He was Tango
05. Gardel, a way of being
06.Carlos Gardel: symbol and synthesis of tango
07. The cinema Gardel sang
08. Gardel lives
09. What i know and what i don´t know about tango
10. That wicked tango
11. To talk about tango is to name Gardel
12. One tango and nothing else (With a milonga rhythm)
13. Carlos Gardel and tango
14. Gardel in his graveyard at Chacarita
15. Tango of mine
16. Elegy for Gardel
17. What a tango!
18. Gardel
19. Gardel´s centennial
20. Memory and trascendence of Gardel
A la memoria de Jorge Newbery
Para quererte nací
Guitarra, guitarra mía
Por una cabeza
Amores de estudiante
La china fiera
Arrabal amargo
La yegüecita
Recuerdo malevo
Ave sin rumbo
Mañanita de sol
Rubias de New York
Ay Aurora
Mano a mano
Ay Elena
Me da pena confesarlo
Criollita de mis amores
Medallita de la suerte
Sus ojos se cerraron
Cuando tú no estás
Melodía de arrabal
Tomo y obligo
Cuesta abajo
Mi Buenos Aires querido
El día que me quieras
Mujer, me has ofendido
Volvió una noche
El moro
Tango Musik
Tango musik
Tango songs
Tango partituren
Die Urheber
Tango Musiker
Tango Dichter
Tango Sänger
Tango Sängerin
Tango Komponisten
Über uns