Mirta Alvarez

Real name: Álvarez, Mirta
(27 June 1979 - )
Place of birth:
Chascomús (Buenos Aires) Argentina

orn in Chascomús, in the plains of the province of Buenos Aires, this excellent guitarist was formally trained in institutes of the province of Buenos Aires, with a clear influence of the local composers and with the color and grace of the intuitive musicians that still today can be found in towns and cities of the interior.

Since age 8 her guitar has been an inseparable companion for her. In 2000 she graduated as Superior Profesor of Guitar at the Conservatory of Music of her hometown and later, based in the city of Buenos Aires, she continued in the Escuela de Música Popular de Avellaneda her especialized training in the musical genres of her choice. Graduated in 2003 as Superior Instrumentalist in Popular Music especialized in Tango Guitar, she continued closely linked to this institution through her teaching with devotion and enthusiasm.

In 2003 she was awarded the first prize as Instrumental Soloist at the Primer Certamen Nacional Abel Fleury (talent contest) carried out in the city of Dolores, province of Buenos Aires. And in 2004 she turned out finalist in the same category at the Pre Cosquín contest.

Despite her young age she has appeared in numerous and prestigious venues as instrumentalist, soloist or as accompanist of outstanding vocalists and also she has joined several tango and folk music aggregations y de folclore dirigidas por reconocidos maestros en cada género, como Rodolfo Mederos y Kelo Palacios.

As culmination of an intense stage of academic training and of artistic development, in the early 2006 she finished her first disc Mirta Álvarez – Guitarra that she publicly presented at different concerts during autumn and winter of that year. In this work she summarized her career in genres strongly intertwined: tango and folk music. She included numbers arranged by herself and by outstanding maestros, besides original pieces for guitar.

«She is, undoubtedly, one of the best guitarists that I’ve met and I foresee a promisory future for her since she is still quite young, a hard-working person and with a continuous wish to improve.» Those were the words of maestro Aníbal Arias in the liner notes of the CD.