Carlos Lenzi

Real name: Lenzi, Carlos César
Poet and playwright
(3 November 1895 - 10 June 1963)
Place of birth:
Montevideo Uruguay
José Gobello
| Ricardo García Blaya

e was born in Montevideo and died in Buenos Aires. He was playwright and official of the foreign service of his country.

His first play, El domador, was premiered in 1918 by the actress Blanca Podestá. Among the several tens that followed it we can mention: “La noche nupcial” (1926), in collaboration with the Uruguayan author Ángel Curotto; Yo, tú y él (1926); El escándalo del día (1928) and Yo te amo (1940), premiered by Lola Membrives.

These plays do not make us remember Lenzi’s name but it does a little tune with lyrics. He wrote its lyrics in 1925 and handed it to Edgardo Donato so that he would compose a tango. That tango was “A media luz”, premiered by the female singer Lucy Clory when she appeared at the Catalunya Theater of Montevideo at the show Su Majestad la Revista.

Horacio Ferrer, in his Libro del Tango, mentions the Teatro Albéniz as the place where it was premiered and places one year before the time of creation of the number: 1924. He also disagrees with the place of his death and he says it was in Montevideo. About this, Todo Tango confirmed through the Catálogo Biográfico de Autores Uruguayos that, in its corresponding report, sent by AGADU (Asociación General de Autores del Uruguay) that his demise took place in Buenos Aires. And, unlike Gobello and other authors, it coincides with Ferrer about the year of its premiere, 1924 and the theater where it happened, the Albéniz.

After the success of “A media luz”, Lenzi wrote other tangos, such as “En voz baja”, with music by Adolfo Mondino; “Adiós arrabal”, music by Juan Baüer (Firpito); “Mimí se fue”, music by Luis Viapiana; “Noches de Montmartre”, music by Manuel Pizarro and “Araca París”, music by Ramón Collazo. The latter two were written in Paris during the lyricist’s stay in that city.

All his numbers reveal that Lenzi was a man with a refined spirit that traveled throughout the world. But none of them reached the acclaim of “A media luz”.

Lastly, I want to highlight that he was a loyal friend of Carlos Gardel’s with whom he shared unforgettable times in Paris and at the French Riviera.