Mariel Martínez

Real name: Martínez, María Elena
(28 March 1980 - )
Place of birth:
Buenos Aires Argentina

he was born in Villa Crespo neighborhood, and in her teen years she studied music and singing in the Escuela Popular de Avellaneda with maestros Chocho Ruiz and Aníbal Arias. At age 22 she traveled to Europe and settled in Madrid. There she devoted herself to singing tango music with different aggregations at venues and small clubs of the Spanish capital.

As from 2005, with Alejandro Picciano on electric guitar as only accompanist, she began to experience, singing with a very intimate sound, tranquile and a bit jazzy, a tango songbook rarely known in Europe. In one of her recitals Litto Nebbia offered them to record in his Melopea label in Buenos Aires. She succeeded in recording two years later. And with that same raw and natural sound in the late 2008 the disc De mi barrio was released. It was cut in Spain and published by Factoría Autor. That release included Carlos Quilici (bandoneon) and Tancredo (violin) as guest artists.

In 2009 she made tours of Spain and Portugal. They also appeared in France, Germany and Morocco. In 2010 they came to play in Argentina and here they recorded their second compact disc, Perfume de tango, in the Litto Nebbia’s studios of Villa Urquiza. The new album, besides the accompaniment by Picciano’s guitar, included Nebbia himself, Carlos Buono, Pablo Agri, Federico Boaglio and again Carlos Quilici.

Besides Buenos Aires, they played concerts in Rosario, Córdoba and Santiago del Estero where they appeared at the folk music festival in Gramilla which later released a DVD with their rendition of “Malena”. They also recorded for the disc Sinfonía para catedrales vivas their rendition of “El último zorzal”.

On their comeback to Madrid, Picciano formed with Federico Peuvrel (piano) and Fernando Giardini (bandoneon) La Porteña Tango Trío, a group with which they started to back Mariel in her theater appearances and on tours.

The trio kept the aesthetics, the repertoire and the poetic mood of the duo and, furthermore, instrumentals, dance and changes of wardrobe were added. In sum, Perfume de tango became a tango show and was a boom. In February 2012 at the historical Teatro Calderón, in Madrid downtown, they recorded the compact disc Un placer which was cut live and was recently released.

In March 2012, at the time she was appearing in Buenos Aires, Mariel recorded another disc, Esos otros tangos, possibly her most intimate work. She was accompanied, almost exclusively, by Alejandro Picciano’s acoustic guitar and her repertoire consisted of very old tangos which are not included in the customary songbooks. This new release will be published by Melopea in the late 2012.

With her poetic and sentimental style, she has plans of touring Russia, Ucrania and Latvia and goes on studying at the Conservatory run by Arturo Soria.