Juan Filiberti

Real name: Filiberti, Juan
Nicknames: Mascarilla
(n/d - n/d)
Place of birth:
Buenos Aires Argentina
Luis Alposta
| Oscar Himschoot

ather of the musician and composer Juan de Dios Filiberto. A virtuoso tango dancer in the early days; a natural and spontaneous creator. Owner or administrator of the Bailetín El Palomar, later the Tancredi (c. 1882), a resort near Suárez and Necochea, in the middle of La Boca. We transcribe a part of the interview by La Canción Porteña (Buenos Aires, 1963) in which his son says the following:

«My father was a merry fellow, a little bit absent-minded but simple and good. He used to easily laugh and humor was shining in his eyes and he had a witty remark always ready on his lips as natural as himself. He used to sing in a pleasant tenor range and I liked to hear him. He was a natural-born dancer, he was one of the best tango dancers in La Boca; his fame was well deserved. According to his temper he was able to carry out the most different and contradictory trades, from dancehall owner to sailor, fighter or bricklayer. He was friend and many times also bodyguard of Pepe Fernández, strong man of La Boca, who was firstly supporter of Mitre and later of the general Roca. He possessed an extraordinary strength and many times he appeared at the Rafetto circus as fighter and weightlifter».