Irene Cataxinos

Real name: Cataxinos, Irene Esperanza
Nicknames: La Griega
(n/d - n/d)
Place of birth:
Buenos Aires Argentina
Gustavo Benzecry Sabá

he was devoted to the River Plate soccer team; but in the mid- 90’s she fell for tango and embraced it with all her passion. She studied it in her beloved Villa Urquiza, among other schools, and little by little she allowed it to change her life.

Irene Cataxinos –for some, La Griega– was an emotional woman of a great beauty, who soon became an indefatigable worker willing to build factories of happiness. So then she organized and co-organized balls at the clubs Sin Rumbo, La Paternal, El Tábano and Platense; at the Salón Kass, Gricel Norte and Runa Pub, and much later in Plaza Bohemia on 444 Maipú Street with Sentimental y Coqueta –the title that best defined her– and Rubí.

At that time she gave classes and made exhibitions. Her dancing possessed sensuality and a deep listening capability. She had rhythm in her body and the spirit of gentle dancing. She had personality and had discovered that with that dance she could also be herself. From time to time she used to quote the famous line by Leopoldo Marechal: «Tango is an infinite possibility». She was almost incapable of seeing impossible things. Maybe she knew that that possibility was like the word Hope. Curiously, that was the second name with which she was honored and with which she never let us down.

We appreciate Guillermo Thorp of Diostango Magazine for the photo

Teacher, dancer and researcher of tango dance. He is author of Nuevo Glosario de Tango Danza, La Pista del Abrazo, Tango FAQs and Los Legionarios del Abrazo – Historia del tango danza 1800-1983. /