Alfredo Bertonasco

Real name: Bertonasco, Alfredo Enrique
Sript writer and lyricist
(5 October 1899 - 13 August 1953)
Place of birth:
Buenos Aires Argentina
Orlando del Greco

e made his name be well-known along with Domingo Martignone with the Bertonasco & Martignone team which brought to the Argentine theater plays like Angelo Gamba no es un otario, Los casados son los peores, Cascabelito, La divina Solferina, Gran pericón político, Mi mujer es una momia, Moneda corriente, Se precisa un guapo, Se acabó la dictadura, Un amor imposible, Abajo las polleras, La taberna del pescado de oro, Barromeo y Campichuelo, El cura de Santa Clara, El burlador de casadas, Son al ñudo los Candiales, Lozoya, Pí, Cadafach y Cía; Tirate a muerto (with Carlos Ossorio); El mimoso de papá (with Juan C. Muello); ¿El tango?, ¡buaaa! (with Blomberg, Novión and Ziclis); Titina and many others.

Some lyrics of tangos sung in his plays belong to him, among which "Se Fue Mateo", with music by Antonio De Bassi, was recorded by Carlos Gardel. He co-wrote the words of this tango with Carlos E. Ossorio.

We were unable to confirm if the friendship he had with the singer was very close but it seems it was so because they exchanged jokes and things of the sort.

With Martignone he co-wrote soap operas for the radio and tangos like “Amarrete [c]”, “Guarda Pancho”, “Consejo gaucho”, “Rica tipa”, “Pobre payaso”.

Bertonasco was born in Buenos Aires on October 5, 1899 and there he died on August 13, 1953.