Luis Romero

Real name: Romero, Luis
Nicknames: El Churrusco
Musician, guitar player and composer
(n/d - n/d)
Place of birth:
Orlando del Greco

uitarist and Colombian composer.

In the last decade of the nineteen century he reached popularity in the social circles of Bogotá with some of his compositions and also with his singing.

Among his oeuvre, the ones that achieved wide acclaim were the bambucos "El enterrador", with lyrics by the poet Julio Flores, and "Vivo adorando a una negra", and the popular serenata "Asómate a la ventana (Serenata)" that he composed in 1890. The latter was collected in Chile in 1917 by the Gardel-Razzano duo and was wrongly credited to their guitarist José Ricardo on the record labels when the duo committed it to disc.

The Ricardo’s misappropriation of this song is not the only one, throughout Latin America several pirate authors attribute it to themselves.

Luis Romero was born in Bogotá and in this city he also died.